[[en]]Prof. Erwin Huang[[zh]]黃岳永教授
[[en]]DreamStarter Chairman and Co-founder[[zh]]DreamStarter主席及共同創辦人
[[zh]]黃岳永教授是不斷接受新挑戰的創新者及電子學習社會企業的先行者,從事社會企業管理及領導工作超逾 30 年。2009年,黃教授挾著矽谷精英和上市公司行政總裁的名銜,參與透過真人騷形式探討香港貧富懸殊問題電視節目《窮富翁大作戰》,每天賺取50港元生活費,在深水埗滿是木蚤的板間房渡過六日五夜,此次經歷亦改變其人生觀,首次體驗到貧窮人士對生活的絕望,進而積極參與社會企業。現任公職包括:香港科技大學副教授及高級顧問(創業)、「DreamStarter啟夢者計劃」主席及創辦人。[[en]]Professor Erwin Huang is a serial entrepreneur, a leader in a social enterprise and the eLearning field more than 30 years. In 2009, Professor Huang participated in TV reality show “Rich Mate Poor Mate Series” to explore the problem of extreme disparity between the rich and the poor in Hong Kong, which was his first time experiencing the despair of the poverty-stricken communities in real life, and has actively participated in social enterprises since then. Currently, he is Associate Professor and Senior Advisor of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, his mission is to teach Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship to university students and to let more young generations understand entrepreneurial spirit, identify social issues, as well as creating social impact through innovations. He is the Co-Founder & Executive Chairman of DreamStarter.
[[en]]Mr. Chu Tsz Wing[[zh]]朱子穎校長
[[zh]]朱子穎校長為香港著名教育家,現出任大埔德萃小學及九龍德萃小學總校長。此外,先後於2018年獲選為香港十大傑出青年,及於2019年獲港教育大學頒授榮譽院士。朱校長摒棄操練及過量功課的學習模式,改為給學生多點時間去追尋夢想。2016年他在天虹小學先導試行DreamStarter啟夢者計劃。「沒有一定要成功的理由,失敗也是寶貴的一課。」,教導他們從錯誤中學習和成長、改變世界、貢獻社會及培養合作精神,正是朱校長對教育創新的信念。[[en]]Principal Chu Tsz Wing is a well-known educator in Hong Kong. He is currently the principal of the St. Hilary's Primary School and VNSAA St. Hilary's School. In addition, he was selected as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Hong Kong in 2018 and an Honorary Fellow of the Education University of HK in 2019. Chu throws away practices of drilling and over-loading assignments and reserves more time for students to pursue dreams. He introduced the DreamStarter programme to Baptist Rainbow Primary School in 2016. "It's pointless to make every project succeed; an experience of failure is equally valuable to students." Teaching them to learn from failure and grow, to make changes, to contribute to society and to collaborate, are the keys to education innovation as exemplified by Principal Chu.